Thursday, May 15, 2008

Oink Oink!

Pigs have arrived at the Prairie Crossing Farm! Five families (we are one of them) are raising four pigs. So far it has been great, we are splitting the chores and the pigs are doing great. One of them, a female Tamworth, has taken a special liking to my boots. Every morning when I feed them she eats a little and then comes over, wipes her nose on my pants and starts to chew on my boot. I don't know what I have been stepping in that is so tasty but she seems to like it!

We decide to raise these pigs for a couple reason. First was the delicious, humanely raised pork. Second was to see how they would do in a pasture helping us weed the soil. Especially the roots of Canadian Thistle which is a very difficult weed to get rid of and one we have a lot of. Cheers.

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