Thursday, August 5, 2010


We once heard another farm family say their motto was, "Make no big decisions in August." This is something we have taken to heart over the years. August tends to be the time when all of our spring work is coming to fruition. The weeds are still growing like crazy but new crops seem to be ready each week. August is also long enough into the season to start thinking about changes, improvement and big ideas for next year. This is when Jen reminds me of the motto. So we talk a lot about how things are going and what we might want to change but resolve to make a note and come back to it later in the year when things have calmed down a bit and we can think a little more clearly.

That said, August is one of the best months of the season. The farm is in full swing, animals are fully grown, our most anticipated crops decorate the field with color, and the crew has settled into more of a routine. And it's the time of year we enjoy celebrating the season with eating outside and preserving what we can for a time of year we're allowed to make big decisions - winter! :)

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